Topics with new and updated posts

Topic / Topic starterikona řazení Odpovědí Views Poslední obnova Fórum
default REd alert
by Wawe on 21.09.2008 - 09:20
1 10,149 by Luky
28.10.2008 - 16:13
default Rdesktop
by Sailor on 29.10.2011 - 21:04
8,209 by Sailor
29.10.2011 - 21:04
default Raspberry PI 3 B+
by Kuba on 01.07.2018 - 22:07
3 3,045 by Sailor
11.07.2018 - 08:03
Ostatní hardware
default Radeon 9700 Pro
by Sailor on 19.08.2013 - 18:48
5 10,364 by Luky
03.06.2021 - 21:08
default Radeon 9700 a 3D podpora?
by Jack on 26.04.2015 - 22:21
1 10,812 by Luky
01.07.2015 - 00:05
default Prodáno
by vmasek on 10.11.2009 - 11:15
4 9,779 by Petr Vrtílka (bez ověření)
01.07.2012 - 18:16
Ostatní hardware
closed Prodám základní desku Pegasos II G3 600 MHz
by MarK on 16.02.2011 - 17:38
8,628 by MarK
30.03.2011 - 09:42
default Prodám Pegasos2
by DaMi on 28.01.2010 - 21:10
2 6,352 by DaMi
29.01.2010 - 16:49
closed Prodám Pegasos II G4 1 GHz + MorphOS 2.7
by About on 10.02.2011 - 13:55
7,180 by About
18.02.2011 - 12:06
closed Prodám Pegasos 1, G3 600 MHz
by MarK on 15.04.2012 - 15:18
7,665 by MarK
21.04.2012 - 22:45
default Prodam MacMini 1.42 GHz (1.5GHz)
by Santi on 07.12.2009 - 12:58
6,848 by Santi
10.12.2009 - 12:00
Ostatní hardware
closed Prodám kompletní sestavu Pegasos II G4 1 GHz + MorphOS 2.5 + AmigaOS 4.1.2
by Luky on 02.08.2010 - 23:00
6,442 by Luky
04.08.2010 - 20:19
default Prodám Efiku s registrovaným MorphOSem
by Starej Mraf on 29.01.2010 - 09:42
2 6,401 by Starej Mraf
02.02.2010 - 10:25
closed Prodám Apple Power Mac G4 1.25 DP (FW 800)
by Luky on 09.02.2011 - 18:35
9,503 by Luky
18.02.2011 - 21:05
Ostatní hardware
default Problém se zvukem
by About on 17.10.2010 - 21:00
11 7,057 by Amigafreak (bez ověření)
10.01.2011 - 18:58
default Pro Lukyho
by honza2600 on 17.09.2009 - 15:35
1 5,997 by Luky
17.09.2009 - 19:44
Ostatní OS
default Premyslim o prodeji Pega
by Hippo c. on 30.12.2009 - 10:25
2 6,553 by Hippo c.
01.02.2010 - 08:13
default PowerMac multiboot MorphOS, OSX, Linux
by ghh on 24.11.2019 - 02:19
1 2,133 by Sailor
27.02.2020 - 12:33
Ostatní hardware
default PowerMAC G4 2x1.42GHz
by Fery on 31.07.2013 - 19:11
10 12,358 by Krtek
10.05.2014 - 01:20
Ostatní hardware
default PowerbookG4 a firewire
by Dedy on 28.01.2013 - 19:46
8 6,435 by Dedy
28.02.2013 - 20:39
Ostatní hardware