Scalos V41.6 - alternativní desktop pro MorphOS a AmigaOS

Po dlouhém čekání tu máme novou verzi alternativního desktopu Scalos pro MorphOS, AmigaOS 3 i 4.

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Nová verze 41.6 beta toho přináší opravdu hodně, předchozí verze 41.5 totiž vyšla v roce 2007! Kompletní seznam novinek je na této adrese, pro tuto nejnovější verzi je k dispozici níže. Za zmínku určitě stojí např. podpora průhlednosti na MorphOS 2.x a AmigaOS 4, dále např. obrázkové náhledy pro většinu video formátů.

Ke stažení:

Scalos V41.6 pro Amiga-OS 3.x/68K (~4314KB, 12.03.2009)

Scalos V41.6 pro MorphOS/PPC (~5350KB, 12.03.2009)

Scalos V41.6 pro AmigaOS 4.0/PPC (~5483KB, 12.03.2009)

Domovská stránka:

Kompletní seznam změn - V41.6:

Improvement: added support for alpha transparency on AmigaOS4 with defpicture.pvplugin
Improvement: Added general support for persistent storing of sorting direction with new ddFlags values introduced by AmigaOS4
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.11
Improvement: Added support for AmigaOS4 CPU information in title bar
Bugfix: introduced support for alpha transparency with AmigaOS4 datatypes
Bugfix: Popup menu for AppIcons didn't work correctl if "apply to all selected icons" was enabled
Bugfix: Occasional hit with AmigaOS4 moving the mouse over the About window gadgets
Improvement. informationmodule: now displays name of recognized filetype and icon position.
Improvement: lots of changes to allow build with latest AmigaOS4.1 SDK
Improvement: find.module result list can now be copied to clipboard
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.10
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.8
Improvement: added different degrees of transparency for active and inactive Scalos windows
Improvement: Window transparency can be individually configured for each window
Improvement: added support for transparent Scalos windows - MorphOS 2.x only
Improvement: replaced the ugly GadTools buttons in About window by themed image buttons. Fallback to simple rctangular buttons is provided
Improvement: "Reboot" dialog from About window now also supports shutdown (Currently only with MorphOS 2.x)
Improvement: added option to highlight text of selected icons by a surrounding rectangle with rounded corners, with user-configurable color, borders and corner radius
Improvement: added new Commodities Exchange module
Bugfix: finally managed to make dropmarks work again properly with MorphOS 2.x and 3D layers
Bugfix: after changing standard (non-TT) icon font, icon font always was reset to Topaz/8
Improvement: tooltips now smoothly fade in and out - MorphOS 2.x only
Improvement: Cycle and History gadget popup windows now may have configurable background patterns "THEME:Window/ControlBar/CyclePopupBackground" and "THEME:Window/ControlBar/HistoryPopupBackground"
Bugfix: Fixed major memory leak in video.pvplugin
Bugfix: Incorrect image reading algorithm in video.pvplugin caused endless loop with certain video format files
Improvement: find.module history for pattern and contents is now stored persistently. Added Popup menus for history lists
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.7
Improvement: Updated video.pvplugin to use latest libavcodec library (MorphOS only). Now supports more video formats, including several real video format variants
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.6.2
Bugfix: informationmodule: directory size calculation didn't work with large files >2GBytes
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.6.1
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.6
Improvement Information.module: Add support for large files (64 bit file size)
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.5
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.4
Bugfix: automatic icon positioning didn't work correctly in small windows with lots of icons
Improvement: file copy buffer size is now configurable via Scalos Prefs
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.3
Bugfix: Added BMF_MINPLANES flag at save BitMap allocations. This solves problem with garbage visible after removing dropmarks with MorphOS 2.x
Bugfix: Added BMF_MINPLANES flag at FrameImageClass. BitMap allocation. This resolves visual garbage on cycle gadget backgrounds with MorphOS 2.x
Improvement: Added new find.module
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.2 SCA_OpenIconWindow() and SCA_OpenDrawerByName() library functions, SCA_ShowAllMode and SCA_ShowAllFiles tags explicitly given now take precedence over any window or icon settings
Improvement: added new internal command "find", to be used with upcoming "find.module"
Bugfix: scalosgfx.library function ScalosGfxFillARGBFromBitMap() didn't set Alpha values correctly for ARGB/RGBA/BGRA input BitMap types
Improvement: defpicture.pvplugin now supports Alpha transparency for thumbnails (if source image type contains Alpha information)
Improvement: Trying to quit Scalos in workbench replacement mode now gives a reasonable error message
Bugfix: USB device with MSD* file system type were not recognized properly
Improvement: Made several new sqlite3 functions accessible via library calls
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.1
Improvement: Control bar gadgets are now updated on-the-fly, i.e. no more reason to close and re-open a window after changes in control bar gadget preferences
Bugfix: switching control bar cycle gadgets with mouse wheel didn't work
Improvement: Added bicubic scaler for improved quality of scaled pictures, e.g. thumbnails
Bugfix: solved various problems when preferences are reloaded after change, i.e. there should be no more problems saving changed preferences
Bugfix: plugged several holes in CloneDefIconObject() that could cause crashes, e.g. when desktop was rebuilt after preferences change
Improvement: Added configurable (both global and per window) checking for overlapping icons
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.6.0
Bugfix: control bar cycle bar gadget height calculation had a bug which sometimes caused control bar to become way to tall
Improvement: Added user-configurable images for text window sort order indicators ("THEME:Window/SortAscending" and "THEME:Window/SortDescending")
Improvement: while dragging icons, window contents can be scrolled to reveal invisible contents by holding the mouse pointer over the window borders
Improvement: extended DefIcons functionality to cover classification of WBDISK objects, i.e. USB disks, DVDs or SMB network volumes are now recognized automatically
Improvement: sorting of text windows can now toggled between ascending and descending order by clicking on the column headers
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.5.9
Bugfix: Icons without object were handled differently on original directory read than on window update
Improvement: Added support for shadowed/outline text window icons. Used for highlighing cut icons, and for mouse-over effect
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.5.8.
Improvement: Worked around a certain type of semaphore deadlock with icon lists. This resolves locked desktop after dragging around some animated icons
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.5.7
Bugfix: browser window didn't correctly set non-zero window offsets from drawer icon
Bugfix: control bar gadgets which are hidden due to lack of space were erroneously drawn when corresponding attribute was changed, e.g. when window view mode was switched
Improvement: sped up text window redraw
Improvement: added support for text icon highlighted and shadowed state
Bugfix: Added safeguard against possible division by 0 in popupmenu.library
Improvement: blurred transparent area now look nicer due to switching from 3x3 to 5x5 blur matrix
Improvement: for text icons and TTLayout engine, SetSoftStyle() and SetFont() is now only called if really required
Bugfix: default Pattern wasn't set correctly according to icon's view mode in SCA_OpenIconWindow()
Bugfix: SCA_OpenDrawerByNameTags() failed to open drawers with no associated icon
Bugfix: text windows were not updated correctly when files or drawers were added while window was iconified
Bugfix: window close gadget had to be clicked twice during thumbnail creation
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.5.6
Improvement: Added caching for default icons, to speed up opening drawer windows with many default icons
Bugfix: For drag-drop label ("334 files, 12 drawers"), detection of singular/plural message for files ("file" vs "files") was wrong
Bugfix: At end of drag&drop, icons in text windows were not deselected correctly
Bugfix: At end of drag&drop, selected icon count in status bar wasn't updated immediately
Improvement: Added two new scalos.library functions SCA_LockDrag() and SCA_UnlockDrag()
Improvement: Icons no longer stay selected after being dragged
Improvement Information.module: Highlighting of icon drop zones when icons are dragged over them now also works with MUI 4.0
Improvement Window Properties Module: Selection of window background now has a drop-down list with preview thumbnails
Improvement: popup menus now have smooth dropshadows
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.5.4
Bugfix: Status bar never showed "View all" icon when a window was opened
Bugfix: enforcer hits if "Mark icon under mouse" enabled
Improvement: updated to libpng 1.2.23
Improvement Information.module(MUI): Changes volume file system field to float text, in order to prevent window to become extremely wide
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.5.3
Bugfix: When screen fotn was changed, status bar font wasn't updated for existing windows
Improvement: background of transparent tooltips is now drawn blurred
Improvement: added configurable blurring of transparent popup menu background
Bugfix: Auto-update caused unnecessary icon refresh if date or protection differed between icon and object
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.5.2
Bugfix: browser text window column width was not adjusted when switching between different directories
Bugfix: control bar gadget enable status wasn't updated if selected icon(s) were disabled by clicking into different Scalos window
Bugfix: control window gadgets were not disabled correctly when icon in different window got disabled with double-click
Improvement: everything now uses newlib.library as C run time on OS4
Improvement: Modules and Prefs are now also buit with newlib.library
Improvement: All Plugins, libraries and datatypes are built now with newlib.library for OS4
Bugfix: fixed OS4 initialization code that could lead to recoverable alerts when quiting scalos or crashes when expunging scalosgfx
Improvement: show-all, view mode, and window x/y offset are now remembered for each directory inside browser window.
Improvement: Icon lists are cached for all directories in browser windows (still experimental).
Improvement: Updated sqlite3.library to SQLite3 V3.5.1 (still experimental).
Bugfix: EXALL packet was issued once more after ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES had been returned.
Improvement: thumbnail cache cleanup no longer removes entries on volumes that are (currently) not mounted.
Bugfix Information.module(MUI): Window no longer expands vertically when switching icon type.
Bugfix: drawing selected icons in highlighted state erroneously used the unselected Alpha channel.
Bugfix: type of PNG icons is no longer incorrectly set due to unreasonable icon hunk attributes (e.g. drawer x/y position for "tool" icon).
Bugfix: for dual PNG icons, only first icon hunk will be loaded, any further icon hunks are ignored.
Improvement: about window scrolling can now be toggled by clicking anywhere inside window.
Bugfix: double-clicking icons didn't wiork while thumbnail generation was in progress.

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Obrázek uživatele Hippo c.
Registrován na nové verzi webu: 13.09.2008
Re: Scalos V41.6 - alternativní desktop pro MorphOS a AmigaOS

Luky, ma smysl zkouset tento alternativni desktop na MOS2.2 ? Me se osobne ambient libi, pruhlednost pres Lucy u me bez problemove zajistena, co jsem koukal na screenshoty Scalosu, nenachazim jej toliko atraktivnim Cool Jaky je tvuj nazor?


Obrázek uživatele Luky
Registrován na nové verzi webu: 11.09.2008
Re: Scalos V41.6 - alternativní desktop pro MorphOS a AmigaOS

Presne tak, myslim si, ze pro uzivatele MorphOS/Ambientu nema Scalos zadny vyznam. Ambient je mnohem lepsi. Scalos je mysleny spis jako nahrazka Workbench z AmigaOS, ktery s funkcnosti oproti Ambientu dost hodne zaostava - a to se bohuzel taky i Workbenche z AmigaOS 4.1, ten je temer uplne stejny jako v AmigaOS 3. Pro AmigaOS 3 a AmigaOS 4 uzivatele muze mit Scalos nejaky smysl, ale my MorphOSaci mame nas megasupracky Ambient Cool

Obrázek uživatele ghh
Registrován na nové verzi webu: 13.09.2008
Re: Scalos V41.6 - alternativní desktop pro MorphOS a AmigaOS

No pro A1200 to bude mazárna :) Ale je dobrý že to ti borci udělali i pro ostatní systémy.

Amiga DraCo PegasosII G4 G5

Obrázek uživatele About
Registrován na nové verzi webu: 13.09.2008
Re: Scalos V41.6 - alternativní desktop pro MorphOS a AmigaOS

Zkoušel jsem ho a hoooodně rychle se vrátil k MOSu. Ten prostě nemá chybu.

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