Vyšla nová aktualizace pro Amiga emulační balík AmigaSYS 4 E-UAE (MorphOS/AmigaOS/MacOS/Linux) a WinUAE (Windows).
Nové programy 3.0/3.1/3.9:
- BareED 0.10001.
- WormWars 8.56.
- iGame 1.5.
- PlayOGG 9.7.
- Wookiechat 2.11.
- SabreMSN Alpha 041.
- SabreMSN Smileys.
- FlashPlayer 1.5.
- MultiMedia Keyboard 4.10 UAE.
- Codesets pack 6.8.
- Hively Tracker 1.6.
Nové MUI MMC 3.0/3.1/3.9:
- MCC Betterstring 11.16.
- MMC HTMLview 13.4.
- MCC Mailtext 19.9.
- MCC NList 20.121.
- MCC NListtree 18.28.
- MCC NListview 19.76.
- MCC NBitmap 15.6.
- MCC NBalance 15.2.
- MCC Speedbar 19.4.
- MCC SpeedCFG 11.0.
- MCC SpeedbarVirt 19.4.
- MCC Speedbutton 19.4.
- MCC TextEditor 15.28.
- MCC TheBar 26.2.
- MCC TheBarVirt 26.2.
- MCC TheButton 26.2.
- MCC URLText 19.7.
Opravy, novinky (anglicky):
- 3.0/3.1/3.9 update supported from 1 update file.
- New Bootpic instead the old colorless pic with miscolored edges - 3.0/3.1/3.9.
- Full French language support. - 3.0/3.1/3.9.
- Language synchs, fixes, syntax, addressing etc - 3.0/3.1/3.9.
- English, Deutsch, Hungarian, Italian, Polish language updates, fixes + French Catalog files - 3.0/3.1/3.9.
- Version menu and OS recognizationat the AmigaSYS options - 3.0/3.1/3.9.
- Wrong AmigaSYS 4 Bios menu fixed - AmigaDOS.
- All of the resolution bugs are fixed under 3.0/3.1 and 3.9 - 3.0/3.1/3.9.
- Mario Locati Virgola PNG icons updated to 1.1, instead the old 35-40 kb icons, now its only 5-6 kb, it is faster than ever! - 3.9
- Start menu contents updated, new options, new functions, e.g. SabreMSN, ordered/syntax fixed, etc... - 3.9
- Updated at 3.1->3.9 install theme, resolution changes 3.0/3.1->3.9.
- Under 3.0/3.1 at boot, there was a bug in the background - fixed - 3.0/3.1.
- Under KS3.0/WB3.0 the png handling was bad, fixed - 3.0.
- Startup-Sequence and User startup-sequence files updated, restructured, - 3.0/3.1/3.9.
- Deutsch installation manual for E-UAE is done.
- Online and Offline E-UAE and WinUAE installers, updated, actualized.
Aktualizace funguje s AmigaSYS 4 nainstalovaným s následujícími verzemi AmigaOS::
- Commodore AmigaOS 3.0/3.1,
- Amiga Forever 3.0/3.1,
- H&P AmigaOS 3.9,
- Amiga Forever 3.x,
- Amithlon / AmigaOS XL 3.9,
- 3.9 BoingBag's.
Instalace aktualizace AmigaSYS (E-UAE):
1, Rozbalte Update file.
2, Přidejte Update HDF do AmigaSYS konfigurace (UAERC) + uložte.
3, Spusťte AmigaSYS config.
4, Počkejte, načítání systému... a dvouklikněte na AmigaSYS4-R1-UAE.
5, Spusťte Installer.
AmigaSYS update (WinUAE):
1, Rozbalte Update file.
2, Spusťte WinUAE.exe, načtěte AmigaSYS 4 konfigurační soubor
3, Jděte do nastavení harddisků, přidejte aktualizační soubor Add Update (Add Hardfile...)
4, Stiskněte tlačítko Start.
5, Počkejte, nahrávání systému... a dvouklikněte na AmigaSYS4-R1-UAE.
6, Spusťte Installer.
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