Nové AmIRC 3.6 - freeware pro MorphOS a AmigaOS 3

Vyšla nová verze IRC klienta AmIRC 3.6 včetně nové webové stránky, kde si lze AmIRC stáhnout pro MorphOS (PowerPC) a AmigaOS 3 (68k). AmiIRC je nyní freeware a všechny limitace demo verze byly odstraněny. AmIRC 3.6 přináší podporu pro UPnP port forwarding. Podporuje také turbo a passive DCC módy, díky kterým funguje mnohem lépe za NAT/firewall. Dlouho přetrvávající chyba s pokračováním DCC SEND byla také opravena.

AmIRC logo

Více o změnách - viz kompletní seznam změn v AmIRC 3.6:

- DCC: added turbo DCC send support.
- GUI: added a Default to Conference Mode option (in Setup->GUI->Channels).
- DCC: fixed DCC RESUME when AmIRC is sending.
- GUI: updated default server list.
- DCC: added option to convert spaces in file names to underscore, or to quote the filename (as supported by most modern clients).
- DCC: fixed resuming when the file name is quoted.
- DCC: added support for passive send/chat/schat (dcc xxx -passive nick ...).
- DCC: added DCC TSEND (turbo), DCC PSEND (passive) and DCC PCHAT (passive) aliases.
- General: fixed a potential race condition starting the built-in IdentD.
- Net: added transparent UPnP port forwarding (enabled by default). It is used for both DCC and the built-in IdentD.
- General: Restored the ability to load a key file. If valid key file is present the owner is displayed in the About window. Also the serial number is displayed in the CTCP VERSION reply.
- General: fixed numerous buffer overflows. Also fixed numerous crashes when low on resources.
- Net: updated netsplit detection code, it should work much better now.
- GUI: fixed marked text defaulting to black on black.
- GUI: changed default marked text background to MUI fill pen. Also changed default background to MUI halfshine pen.
- Input: filtered Insert/PageUp/PageDown/ScrollLock/PrintScreen/NumLock/Pause out.
- DCC: fixed negative completion time estimate in certain conditions.

Download AmIRC v3.6 for MorphOS/PowerPC (805 kB).
Download AmIRC v3.6 for AmigaOS/68020 (637 kB).

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