Power.org: Power ISA 2.06

Power.org vydala novou dokumentaci Power Instruction Set Architecture verze 2.06 (PowerPC).


Prohlášení Power.org k verzi 2.06:

"The Power Architecture Advisory Council announces the public availability of Power ISA 2.06. This version is a major advance for the server and the embedded Power architecture. Major extensions include a new Vector-Scalar Floating-Point facility that supports vector and scalar floating-point operations, numerous new fixed-point, floating-point, and memory-management instructions, a new storage attribute, support for stronger storage access ordering, new storage control features, and many other enhancements. Extensions to the Embedded environment include an enhanced memory management architecture, logical partitioning and hypervisor support, embedded page table support, and multi-threading [Power.org]"

Ke stažení Power ISA 2.06:
http://www.power.org/resources/downloads/PowerISA_V2.06_PUBLIC.pdf (1337 stránek)

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