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Obrázek uživatele Wawe
Registrován na nové verzi webu: 13.09.2008

Komu: luky

Ahoj Luky. Mas zkusenost s wifi kartou v peg?


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Obrázek uživatele Luky
Registrován na nové verzi webu: 11.09.2008

Ahoj Wawe!

Nedoporucuju Ti rozbehat wifi kartu primo v Pegasosu... S wifi kartou v Pegasosu zkusenosti nemam. Teoreticky by mohly pod MorphOS fungovat 11Mbps wifi pomoci prism2.device ovladace http://aminet.net/package/driver/net/prism2 - alespon pod PCI a AmigaOne to podle readme jde. Kazdopadne by se asi karta musela peclive vybirat.

Nejlip udelas, kdyz si poridis WIFI AP, ke kteremu se pripojis s Pegasose/MorphOS pres LAN. Vyhod to ma nekolik: ta nejdulezitejsi - bude to zarucene fungovat Cool  , WIFI signal budes moct rozdelit do vice LAN a bude to rychlejsi nez pres prism2.device.

Obrázek uživatele Luky
Registrován na nové verzi webu: 11.09.2008

Doplnění: Phantom z MorphZone.org pod MorphOS 2.1 používá WIFI síťovou kartu Netgear MA311 Wireless Card, dnes psal do anglického fóra návod na rozběhání WIFI přes zmiňovanou prism2.device pod MorphOS 2.1:

All right. Let's start.

First you have to know that these PCI cards are supported by now:

1. 3COM -> 3CRDW696
2. D-Link -> DWL-520 (Hardware revision B2 or earlier)
3. Netgear -> MA311

After you have downloaded the prism2.device archive you need to copy the native version of prism2.deviceSetPrism2Defaults in C:.

You will need nothing else from the archive.

Open a CLI and enter the following:

> Ed EnvArc:SYS/Interfaces

You have to change some settings there. By default you must see this:

Quote: into Devs:Networks and

eth0 Device="Devs:Networks/via_rhinepci.device" Unit=0 DoOnLine UseDHCP IP=192.168.x.x MASK=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx GATEWAY=192.168.x.x
lo0 Type=loopback DoOnLine (if you have enable this on Network Prefs)

xxx.xxx = marks your own numbers etc.

So you have to insert the following line:


eth0 Device="Devs:Networks/prism2.device" Unit=0 DoOnLine UseDHCP

Don't forget to remark (;) the old line.

Save the text file and config the SetPrism2Defaults to your needs. Reboot and you must be ready.

I hope that helps.

PegasosII PPC G4 / 1.0GHz
MorphOS 2.1 - Ambient 1.43 (05.09.2008)
ATI Radeon 9200SE 128MB RAM
Soundblaster Live!
Netgear MA311 Wireless Card
40GB WD HD + 40GB Maxtor HD

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