Fabien Coeurjoly (fab) vydává novou verzi MorphOS webového prohlížeče OWB 1.8. Origyn Web Browser je založený na silném jádru WebKit, které používá také prohlížeč Apple Safari nebo Google Chrome. V nové verzi bylo aktualizováno jádro OWB na SVN r1458. OWB 1.8 příchází s novou podporou celoobrazovkového HTML5 videa pomocí overlay a uživatelských skriptů (podobné GreaceMonkey). Celoobrazovkový režim přehrávání videa drasticky snižuje nároky na CPU - zrychlení asi o 300% na YouTube 360p obsahu.
Opět je k dispozici OWB prohlížeč ve dvou verzích - verze bez podpory vektorového formátu SVG (k dispozici také na MorphOS 2.5 CD) a plná verze s podporou SVG náročnější na místo na disku i paměť.
Změny v OWB 1.8 (04.06.2010):
- Updated to OWB SVN r1458
- Updated to CURL 7.20.1 and implemented a threaded DNS resolver, which prevents OWB network task from being blocked until a DNS resolution is finished.
- Updated to PixMan 0.18.0.
- Implemented fullscreen mode for HTML5 video, using overlay. In this mode, the CPU usage is reduced drastically (about 300% speedup for youtube 360p content).
- Added a "switch to fullscreen" context menu entry for plain HTML5 video elements.
- Fixed some possible audio glitches due to an error in buffer management.
- Fixed some minor issues in MediaPlayer timeline handling.
- Implemented an userscript manager (GreaseMonkey-like). In practice, it means a webpage can be modified on-the-fly with a JavaScript script.
In Scripts/ directory, two examples can be found:
- hello.js: a simple example to illustrate the script functionality.
- youtube.js: when applied to a youtube link (in Flash mode), this script adds direct links to the video, and replaces the Flash element by a HTML5 Video element. I suggest adding &fmt=18 to the youtube link to play the 360p mp4 version by default.
- To be noted scripts are only injected to tabs/windows created after their addition in the script manager.
- Use MorphOS 2.x charsets.library for UTF8->local conversions (if available).
- Added icons for "add bookmark" and "bookmarks" buttons.
- Added ctrl+pgup/pgdown shortcut to cycle between tabs.
- Added a search string for bookmarks and history panels.
- Added a "copy to clipboard" contextmenu entry for network activity window.
- Tabs can be now be dragged too (MorphOS 2.5 required).
- When dropping a tab to bookmarks or quicklinks, use the site title instead of "no title".
- Disable gzip on-the-fly decompression when downloading gzip files.
- Copying UTF8 strings to system clipboard from contextmenu could result in truncated strings.
- Adjusted timer to postpone short requests when they are too frequent, since they could cause high CPU usage in some cases.
- Fixed a bug in download manager when a download connection fails before even asking for destination.
- Fixed some NULL pointer read access in OWB fontcache, when no fonts are found.
- Fixed some more minor memory leaks in OWB API usage.
Poznámky k YouTube a HTML5:
- You can enable HTML5 in YouTube by going to http://www.youtube.com/html5 and follow instructions (no account needed).
- Youtube broke the "fullscreen" mode just before this release. I supplied an userscript in Scripts/ to fix it: go to windows->scripts and add Scripts/Youtube_Fullscreen_Fix.js. Once it's effective, fullscreen mode will use overlay (i.e much faster).
- Don't forget to read notes about sound in "Preempted rants" section. :)
Ke stažení:
http://fabportnawak.free.fr/owb/plugins/swfdec_plugin-1.2.lha (Flash plugin pro OWB - do adresáře plugins/)
Související články:
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